Ambitious, the Watch-making Foundation of Porrentruy has all its reason for being.
It was constituted by keen on beautiful watches, under the aegis of the Young Economic Chamber of Porrentruy. It has for vocation the promotion and the protections of the Jura watch-making heritage. By the organization of exhibitions and events, as well as by the historic researches, it supports and encourages the preservation and the transmission of the watch-making know-how, but also the watch-making heritage.
The scale of this work is enormous as well as the necessary financial means for its realization, so that every company, every enthusiast of watch-making can find sources and witnesses of lost or vague time there. Without the help of private individuals and companies of our region, the Watch-making Foundation could not bring to a successful conclusion all its projects.
Devenir Partenaire de la Fondation, cela signifie prendre une part active dans la sauvegarde du patrimoine horloger de notre région.
Pour que l’aventure puisse continuer, nous avons besoin de soutiens financiers. Votre générosité permettrait de protéger le patrimoine Jurassien et de laisser une trace à travers le temps. C'est grâce à votre générosité que nous pouvons assurer ces activités.
Conscient que ces quelques mots ne révèlent pas toute notre motivation, nous vous invitons à nous contacter au 032 466 72 10.
Several possibilities partnerships are proposed:
According to the amount of the partnership, various considerations are offered to you.
CHF 500.--
- Logo of the company on the web site
- Presence of a link towards the web site of the company on the site of the Foundation
- Invitation of the persons in charge of the company during the exhibitions (the number of people must be specified in the agreement of partnership)
CHF 1'000.--
- Logo of the company on the web site
- Presence of a link towards the web site of the company on the site of the Foundation
- Invitation of the persons in charge of the company during the exhibitions (the number of people must be specified in the agreement of partnership)
- Possibility of inviting customers during the exhibitions organized by the Foundation
CHF 2'000.--
- Logo of the company on the web site
- Presence of a link towards the web site of the company on the site of the Foundation
- Invitation of the persons in charge of the company during the exhibitions (the number of people must be specified in the agreement of partnership)
- Possibility of inviting customers during the exhibitions organized by the Foundation
- Logo of the company on the posters of the exhibitions and on the documents of presentation
CHF 3'000.--
- Logo of the company on the web site
- Presence of a link towards the web site of the company on the site of the Foundation - Invitation of the persons in charge of the company during the exhibitions (the number of people must be specified in the convention of partnership)
- Possibility of inviting customers during the exhibitions organized by the Foundation - Logo of the company on the posters of the exhibitions and on the documents of presentation
- Put at the disposal of premises of the Foundation for receptions - Logo of the company on the web site of la Route de l’horlogerie
CHF 5'000.--
- Logo of the company on the web site
- Presence of a link towards the web site of the company on the site of the Foundation - Invitation of the persons in charge of the company during the exhibitions (the number of people must be specified in the convention of partnership)
- Possibility of inviting customers during the exhibitions organized by the Foundation - Logo of the company on the posters of the exhibitions and on the documents of presentation
- Put at the disposal of premises of the Foundation for receptions
- Logo of the company on the web site of la Route de l’horlogerie
- Possibiliy to put leaflets/ advertising in the premises of the Foundation
- Personalized services on request
CHF 10'000.--
- Logo of the company on the web site
- Presence of a link towards the web site of the company on the site of the Foundation - Invitation of the persons in charge of the company during the exhibitions (the number of people must be specified in the convention of partnership)
- Possibility of inviting customers during the exhibitions organized by the Foundation
- Logo of the company on the posters of the exhibitions and on the documents of presentation
- Put at the disposal of premises of the Foundation for receptions
- Logo of the company on the web site of la Route de l’horlogerie
- Possibiliy to put leaflets/ advertising in the premises of the Foundation
- Personalized services on request
- Exclusivity
- Presence of your products and/or promotional material during le Salon des métiers d’art de l’horlogerie et de la bijouterie
- Financial partner of the Foundation in all the events which it organizes
The partnership agreement can be concluded for a period of one, two or three years, amounts and duration of the partnership which can be more important than those aforesaid. The considerations are discussed again in this case between the partners.