Database of the Jura watchmakers
Next to other activities of the Foundation, a long-term job is led for four years. It is a question of listing all the Jura watchmakers and the houses watch-making: independents, small workshops, homeworkers, more important factories … The search is led on all the jobs by the watch-making. Only the workers are not concerned by the search because of the nature of the studied sources.
The search is led, not only, on the manufacturers of watches but also, on all other jobs(businesses) by the watch-making. Each party of the watch is entitled to its subdivisions professionals. So, we find termineurs, acheveurs, rhabilleurs, manufacturers of dials, emailleurs, manufacturers of watch boxers, polishers, planters of escapes, pivoteurs, engravers, pierristes, gilders, makers of secrets, régleuses, sertisseurs, affected persons of radium, manufacturers of watch glasses, guillocheurs, manufacturers of tools for the watchmaker's shop, the finishers …
Today, more than 9000 watchmakers and watch-making companies were listed. On one hand, an IT database was established with brief information among which, essentially, the name or the company name of the company or the watchmaker, the locality, the dates of the beginning and the end of activity, exercised activity. On the other hand, a cartothèque resuming all the meditative information was created. A "dictionary" drafts. The resumed data is more enriched there. He will be the object of a publication during the course of the year on 2010.